2025 Orange Blossom Across-the-Course Regional

  • March 8: Squadded Sight-In
  • March 9: Opening Ceremony
  • March 9: Sheriff’s Twenty
  • March 9: 4 Man One & Done Team Match ~ 1pm
  • March 10: 2 Man Team Match
  • March 11: ATC 4-Man Team Match
  • March 12, 13, 14, 15: ATC Regional
  • March 15: ATC Bar-B-Que & Awards
  • March 16: CMP EIC (LEG) & Director’s Match

Click here to print the Match Program – Register here – Registration is open!

There is a link on the Match Program for electronic registration and payment.


Match Director Brad Sutherland, 305-218-7057 or floridaobr@gmail.com 

Fees and Match Info


  • $10 ATC Squaded Sight-in ~   after CMP Grand/Springfield/Vintage & Modern Military Rifle Match and CMP Vintage Sniper Match**
  • $30 ATC Sheriff’s Twenty
  • $60/Team ATC 2-Man Team match
  • $60/Team ATC 4-Man One & Done Team Match
  • $120/Team ATC 4-Man Team Match
  • $185 ATC Regional – Adult (includes BBQ)
  • $175 ATC Regional – PMRPC Member (includes BBQ)
  • $60 ATC Regional – Junior (includes BBQ)
  • $40 EIC (LEG) Match
  • $20 Additional BBQ

Entry: Entries must be received by 2/18/2024, no walk-on entries permitted. Electronic Registration and payment only, you will receive an email confirming registration. T-shirts & BBQ are for Regional competitors only. No guarantees of a shirt after 2/18/2024.

Rules: This is an NRA Regional Match. All current NRA High Power Rules for a Regional match apply. See General Rules for additional information.

Rifles: NRA Match Rifle  Rule 3.3; Service Rifle – Rule 3.1

Check-in: Packets may be picked up behind the 600 yard line. Shooting begins daily at 8:00am. Competitors should report to the 600 yard line by 7:45am for roll call. Gate Cards are available to competitors for a $20 deposit.  

ATC Squadded Sight-in

Saturday, 3/8, ~1 PM: ATC Squadded Sight-in

  • 1:30pm – 200 yards, 15 minutes
  • 2:00pm – 300 yards, 15 minutes
  • 2:30pm – 600 yards, 15 minutes, slow fire
  • Times are approximate, depending on the number of people in attendance

** Squadded Sight-in will begin after the PMRPC monthly CMP Sanctioned GSM Match. The Match Program is posted at http://pmrpcrifle.com/john-c-garand-match/.  Antique Garand & Springfield Rifles are welcome, as well as Vintage & Modern Military Rifles. 

Sheriff's Twenty & 4Man One & Done

Sunday, 3/9, 8am Sheriff’s Twenty

  • Stage 1: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 10 shots, standing, in a total time of 12 minutes.
  • Stage 2: 300 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 10 shots in 70 seconds, prone position, with a magazine change.
  • Stage 3:  600 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 10 shots prone, in a total time of 12 minutes.
  • Stage 4: Aggregate of Match 1 – 3, top 20 competitors will receive a congratulatory coin presented by the Sheriff of Brevard County.

Sunday, 3/9, 4 Man One & Done Match ~1p – following Sheriff’s 20

  • Stage 1: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots and 20 shots, standing, in a total time of 22 minutes
  • Stage 2: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 60 seconds each string, with a magazine change, sitting position
  • Stage 3: 300 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 70 seconds each string, with a magazine change, prone position
  • Stage 4: 600 yards, 2 sighting shots and 20 shots, prone position, in a total time of 22 minutes.
  • Aggregate: combined team score of Stage 1 to 4

Each stage is fired by a different team member.

Across-the-Course 2-Man Team Match

Monday, 3/10, 8 AM: ATC 2-Man Team Match, National Match Course of Fire

  • Match 1: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 10 shots, standing in a total time of 12 minutes.
  • Match 2: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 10 shots in 60 seconds, sitting position, with a magazine change.
  • Match 3: 300 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 10 shots in 70 seconds, prone position, with a magazine change.
  • Match 4:  600 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots prone, in a total time of 22 minutes.
  • Match 5: Over-all team total aggregate of Matches 1-4.

Across-the-Course 4-Man Team Match

Tuesday, 3/11, 8 AM: ATC 4-Man Team Match, National Match Course of Fire

  • Match 1: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 10 shots, standing in a total time of 12 minutes.
  • Match 2: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 10 shots in 60 seconds, sitting position, with a magazine change.
  • Match 3: 300 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 10 shots in 70 seconds, prone position, with a magazine change.
  • Match 4:  600 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots prone, in a total time of 22 minutes.
  • Match 5: Over-all team total aggregate of Matches 1-4.

Orange Blossom Across the Course 2400 Point Regional

Wednesday thru Saturday, 3/12, 13, 14, 15


  • Match 1: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots, standing in a total time of 22 minutes.
  • Match 2: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 60 seconds each string, sitting position, with a magazine change.
  • Match 3: 300 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 70 seconds each string, prone position, with a magazine change.


  • Match 4: 600 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots prone in a total time of 22 minutes
  • Match 5: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots, standing in a total time of 22 minutes.
  • Match 6: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 60 seconds each string, sitting position, with a magazine change.


  • Match 7: 600 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots prone in a total time of 22 minutes
  • Match 8: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots, standing in a total time of 22 minutes.
  • Match 9: 200 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 60 seconds each string, sitting position, with a magazine change.
  • Match 10: 300 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 70 seconds each string, prone position, with a magazine change.


  • Match 11: 300 yards, 2 sighting shots, then 2 strings of 10 shots each, 70 seconds each string, prone position, with a magazine change
  • Match 12: 600 yards, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots prone in a total time of 22 minutes
  • Match 13: Aggregate of Matches 1-12   ~ NRA Distinguished Rifleman’s Badge ~

Saturday, 3/15 ~ 1:00 PM: OBR Bar-B-Que

A BBQ dinner will be held for competitors, additional tickets available for $20 each. Please let us know when you check in if you are not attending so we can give the caterer an accurate count. The presentation of Awards for the Regional will be held immediately after the Bar-B-Que. There will be many raffle prizes – competitors must be present to win.


CMP Excellance in Competition (LEG) and Director's Match

Sunday, 3/16, 8:00 AM: CMP Excellence in Competition (LEG)

Non-Distinguished LEG Competitors have priority. Trigger weighing will be between 0715 and 0745.

• Stage 1: 200 yards, 10 rounds standing in a total time of 10 minutes.

• Stage 2: 200 yards, 1 string of 10 shots, 60 seconds, standing to sitting with a magazine change.

• Stage 3: 300 yards, 1 string of 10 shots, 70 seconds, standing to prone with a magazine change.

• Stage 4: 600 yards, 20 shots prone in a total time of 20 minutes. 

• Aggregate: Total Stages 1 – 4.

Arms: Service Rifle  Rule 3.1, Match Rifle, NRA Rule 3.3

 Awards:  Excellence in Competition (LEG) points awarded to competitors in top 10%.  Medals awarded by the CMP and mailed to competitors. 

Sighters: No

Trigger Weighing for CMP LEG:  Rifles will be inspected for compliance to CMP rules before the EIC match.  Rifles will first be function checked for safe operation.  Rifle and sling will then be inspected for improper external modifications.  Trigger will be weighed using NRA approved weight set bearing on the trigger while the rifle is held with its barrel vertical and slowly lifted straight up.  To pass the rifle must lift the weight clear of the supporting surface and suspend the weight.  The rifle will then be “jerked’ upward to verify that the trigger falls.  If the rifle cannot be made to lift and suspend the 4-½ pound weight, the competitor may perform the test.  Rifles can be retried after failing until the time to weigh triggers has expired.  Rifles may be sealed after weighing.  The top 15% of finishers will be re-weighed after the match is completed.

General Rules for All Matches

Ammunition: Any safe ammunition supplied by the competitor  Rule 3.17. Any ammunition that repeatedly blow primers or splits cases will be ruled defective or unsafe and will be removed from the firing line, Rule 3.17(b). All rounds must be faster than 1375 fps at the target.

Awards: Individual – NRA Regional Medals for First, Second and Third Place by Rifle type. Cash prizes for place and category awards. Five Competitors are required for First Place, ten competitors for Second Place and fifteen competitors for Third Place. Awards are awarded in a one and done manner; place awards primary and category awards secondary. Rifle types are combined for category awards.  Team – NRA Rules shall govern, specifically Rule 2.10 – 2.20 and 12.1 – 12.7. Five teams required to make a class.  Teams are classified by computing the “team average” based on the classification of each firing member as specified in Rule19.12. Teams with mixed rifle types should check in with the Stat Office to verify team rifle type. Pre-registration is encouraged, pick-up teams permitted up to the 18 4Man team and 36 2Man team limit. Pit rotations will permit a firing member to go to the pits if needed. Fun Team Match – each stage must be fired by a different member of the team. Competitors may not shoot on multiple teams. 

Bolt Closing: All competitors shall close the bolt only when the rifle is parallel to the ground and pointed at the targets or the berm. Trigger finger must remain outside the trigger guard until on target. The Line Officer will issue a warning to any competitor that is observed violating this policy. Any competitor continuing to violate this policy will be disqualified. This is a Range Rule to prevent rounds from being launched over the berm.

Brass and Trash Call: There will be a brass and trash call after each relay.  

 Camping:  Limited dry camping is available on the range. Cost is $10 a night for RVs with electricity. Tent camping, not requiring electricity, is free. Mosquitoes extra. Contact Terry at floridaobr@gmail.com . 

Cancellation: If a match is cancelled and not rescheduled, a refund will be given after all costs of all matches are paid. 

Challenge Period: The challenge period for posted scores shall last for 20 minutes after all firing is complete for the day. The official scores will be posted on the white board under the Pole Barn. Report Challenges or errors to the Stat Shack.

Challenges: A challenge fee of $3.00 will be charged, Rule 16.1. Fee must be given to the line officer before the challenge is acted upon. Cash only, exact change, no pennies.

Cold Bore Coin: A cold bore coin will be awarded to any competitor whose first round of the day is an “X”. Score keepers should note the round on the competitor’s score card. There are no “warm-up” or “barrel fowling” shots permitted on this range.

Directions: Exit I95 westbound on Malabar Rd./ State Rd. 514. Follow Malabar Rd. 4.8 miles to Hurley Blvd. Left on Hurley Blvd.; gate to the club is at the end of Hurley. High Power range is to the right. Address is 610 Hurley Blvd., Palm Bay, FL. 32905

Empty Chamber Indicators:  are required at all matches  Rule 3.21.

Eye Protection and Ear Protection: PMRPC Rules require ear protection and strongly suggests Competitors wear eye protection. In the pits, eye protection is required, and a hat is recommended. 

Miscellaneous: Food is not available at the range – competitors should bring fluids and snacks with them. There are several convenience stores on Malabar Rd. on the way to the range. 

Parking: Allowed on the Range, in marked areas, weather permitting.  Special needs should be identified in advance.

Physical limitations: Any competitor with a physical limitation who requests special consideration for shooting or pit duty must communicate that need on the entry form. Competitors with NRA Medical Waivers should present their card at packet pickup. 

Protest: Protest fee is $35.

PRE REGISTRATION ONLY:   All paid entries must be received by 2/18/2025.  Please check the official match web site at www.orangeblossomregional.com  for updates.

Range Capacity: Entries are limited to the first 76 competitors.

Ready Line: A ready line will be established and indicated on the range.  Only the competitor and score keeper may be in front of the ready line.  All conversations are to take place BEHIND this line.  Please be courteous to those still shooting. 

Refunds: Competitor cancellations should be emailed before 2/18/2025, for a full refund.  A $25 administrative fee will be deducted from refunds requested after 2/18/2025. No refunds after your Regional begins. Email cancellations to floridaobr@gmail.com. Refunds will be mailed after the Regionals are complete.

Score Keepers are match officials with a duty to pay close attention to the competitor, Rule 14.3.1. Score Keepers must account for all rounds fired. Score Keepers must immediately report non-visible misses to the line official. Score Keepers must also report extra rounds appearing on the target as they are possible cross fired rounds. 

Scoring: The Silver Mountain Electronic Targets System will be used (Rule 10.17). Competitors should bring an electronic device with sufficient power for a full day of operation and a browser capable of accessing an internal webpage over the Range WiFi. With the electronic target system, competitors are still required to score. Paid score keepers are not permitted. Competitors may be required to assist setting up and taking down targets; failure to do so may lead to disqualification. In the event of a catastrophic failure or malfunction of the electronic target system, the Match Director will reserve the right to either delay the match or to switch to manual targets. All competitors will be required to perform pit duties if such a case arises.  If a substitute puller is used, the competitor shall accompany the substitute puller and is responsible for their attendance and performance in the pitts. 

Smoking: Smoking / Vaping will be allowed on the range in designated areas only. No smoking / vaping on the Firing line, Ready Line, any buildings or under the tents & shelters. Do not discard butts on the ground.

Sportsmanship: Rule 9.27 will be administered by the Match Director.  Those not adhering to the rule will be asked to leave the range.  No refunds will be given for any remaining matches.

Squadding:  Whenever possible, all competitors of the same classification should be squadded on the same relay, Rule 11.6.7. Any special squadding requests should be noted on the registration form. Please be specific i.e. sharing a car, sharing equipment.

Targets: 200 yards – SR; 300 yards – SR3; 600 yards – MR1.

Weather: Matches will be fired regardless of mildly inclement weather. Severe weather may cause the Match Director to delay relays until the situation improves or reschedule it.

Zeros:  You must have zeros for all yard lines you will shoot. Club Rule – Any non-accounted-for shots will cause the competitor to be removed from the firing line.

The PDF of the Match Program stands as the primary document.